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January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014 Post also posted on Facebook, etc.:



by Amelia Gora (2014)

Our great grandmother, grandmother of my mother told her that her “name was as good as gold” and if she married Johnny (my father), her “name would be two times, three times as good as gold.”

So, thru genealogies, let me count just some of the ways….

These are our two (2) lines descending from Kamehameha III:

1) Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
son: Opunui married Kapehe (w)
(siblings: Kekipi; Mahoe; Keawe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu)
his daughter: Kapopo
her daughter: Mele Keawe
her daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)

2) Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
son: Opunui married Kalaikini (w)
(siblings: Kekipi; Mahoe; Keawe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu)
his son: Charles Kauweloa aka’s married his niece Mele Keawe
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)

These are some of lines that we are heirs of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli known as hanai hookama who also “inherited sovereignty” documented by Samuel Kamakau historian and writer of THE RULING CHIEFS and documented in Probate, Testimonies, etc.:

Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
son: Opunui married Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w)
(siblings: Kekipi; Mahoe; Keawe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu)
his son: Alenoho (k)
His daughter/hanai daughter: Kapopo (w)
Her daughter: Mele Keawe married Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)

Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Peke Davis (siblings also hanai: Hueu Davis, and Kale Davis)
her son: David Keawe aka’s married Kapopo (w)
Their daughter: Mele Keawe married Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie)
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)

Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Peke Davis (siblings also hanai: Hueu Davis, and Kale Davis)
her son: David Keawe aka’s married Kapopo (w)
David Keawe’s hanai brother/ true cousin: Opunui married Kapehe (w)
Opunui’s daughter: Kapopo (w) married David Keawe (k)
Their daughter: Mele Keawe married Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa (siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie) 
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings & stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora (siblings)

Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Hueu Davis (siblings also hanai: Peke Davis, Kale Davis)
his son: Kailio (k) also a hanai of James Young Kanehoa oldest son of
John Young/Olohana, Counselor of Kamehameha
his son Paele (k)
His son: Kauhi (k) (siblings)
His son: Kuheleloa (k)
His daughter: Kalaikini (w) married Opunui
Opunui’s daughter: Kapopo (w) married 
David Keawe (k)
Their daughter: Mele Keawe married 
Uncle Charles Kauweloa
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa 
(siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie) 
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings 
& stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora 

Heir of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha
Hanai: Hueu Davis (siblings also hanai: Peke Davis, Kale Davis)
his son: Kailio (k) also a hanai of James Young Kanehoa oldest son of
John Young/Olohana, Counselor of Kamehameha
his son Paele (k)
His son: Kauhi (k) (siblings)
His son: Kuheleloa (k)
His daughter: Kahananui (w) adopted
Charles Kauweloa from her sister
Kalaikini married to Opunui 
Their son Charles Kauweloa married 
his niece Mele Keawe and had
their daughter: Mary Kauweloa 
(siblings: Charles Jr.; Annie) 
her daughter: Mary Castro (siblings 
& stepsiblings)
her daughter: Amelia Gora 

Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who was NOT the “last of the Kamehameha’s” married Keawe brother in law of Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli son of Kamehameha and had hanai / adopted son Opunui. Keawe’s own son was David Keawe.

Opunui was the father of Kapopo (w); Charles Kauweloa (k); and Alenoho (k). Opunui also married Keaka (w) mother of Kapehe (w) his wife; and stepdaughter Keala (w) (that’s how locked in the genealogies are).

Return to the above genealogies to review who Kamehameha III – Kauikeouli’s families through Opunui…..and this is only part of the Opunui lines…..Opunui’s siblings lines are not covered here….his siblings from the same mother were: Kekipi; Keawe; Mahoe; Papa; Kahalaoa; Nalimu; Kihei; Keku; and Kuahine. Note: Kihei, Keku, and Kuahine had different fathers. There are stepsibling’s of Opunui who are not the bloodlines of Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli and Opunui’s mother because they were adopted or children of his mother’s other marriages to others.

As for Bernice Pauahi Bishop, her next of kin noted in her Probate was Kalola (w) yet another ancestor of ours. I, Amelia Gora descend from her on my father’s genealogy lines, and an heir of hers from my mother’s genealogy lines because her grandson was married to ancestors from both genealogy lines.

Four (4) of my ancestors are named in the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Now do you see why the Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are and remain a corrupt entity, a Pirates, Privateer, Parasites, Conspirators, Treasonous batch of corrupt individuals who needs to be prosecuted, imprisoned, taken back by the U.S. government as Pirates, Racketeers affecting our families, our good people, and Innocents wrongfully plundered upon due to these investors of Goldman and Sachs Wall Street bankers, etc. who utilize our private assets, lands etc. of our neutral, non- violent, friendly peoples who includes the Kamehameha’s who uphold the Permanent Treaties which assists the American people to secure their U.S.Constitution?

All of the above genealogies have been researched, documents certified, etc. which validates that all the above are true, correct and documented by me, Amelia Gora, a 30+ year history, 25+ year genealogy, 15+ year legal researcher with a Bachelors in Science degree from the University of the State of New York – Regent’s/Excelsior College, a Paralegal Certificate (did not sign with the Bar – a Masons, Freemasons effort to break down Monarchy Governments worldwide) from Chaminade – University of Honolulu, Internal Revenue Service Training, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, etc. training, a writer, author, publisher of more than 25 books, thousands of articles, and 477 issues of the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk news on the web.

Maka Ala Kanaka Maoli, Family(ies), Friends…..


Messenjah – Sudden Rush

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